When you use the PPS MG website, all the content, services, and information provided here, is at your own risk. However, we strive to keep all details accurate and up to date to continuously provide you with genuine information. Yet, some information may be incomplete, outdated, or incorrect. In such a case, we are unable to provide a guarantee of its accuracy.
The vehicle images and descriptions on our website are published as per the manufacturer-provided graphics and details. The actual vehicle may/may not look different or have variations in features and specifications. PPS MG is not liable for any errors related to pricing, product details, or advertising. Prices and stock availability may change without any previous notice. Therefore, customers are requested to check with the dealers.
If a vehicle is listed at an incorrect price due to a typing error, technical glitches, or inaccurate details from the manufacturer, PPS MG reserves the right to cancel or refuse any orders placed at that price. All listed prices and promotions do not include state, city, or county taxes and tag, title and licensing fees. Buyers from other states are responsible for taxes and registration fees in their state.
Manufacturer incentives and discounts are included in our pricing unless mentioned otherwise. Prices, promotions, and stock may change without notice, so we recommend confirming all details directly with the PPS MG dealership near you.